Ascott-Under-Wychwood – Construction Underway

Ascott-Under-Wychwood – Construction Underway

Works are well underway on our site in Ascott-Under-Wychwood for the construction of two dwellings on Land to the North-East of 51 High Street.

In association with Sobry Beak, BPA secured planning permission for two large detached dwellings with garages, which are now being built out on site.

We’re incredibly excited to see how this site progresses and to see the final result once works are complete.

We will keep you updated on this sites progress as we move rapidly towards completion.

If you have any questions about the development at Ascott-Under-Wychwood or have a similar scheme in mind, please get in touch today using the form below to see how we can help you.

Successful Appeal and Award of Costs

Successful Appeal and Award of Costs

BPA has secured planning permission on appeal, along with a full costs award, for the change of use of an ancillary building to an independent dwellinghouse in Upper Oddington, Moreton-in-Marsh.

Despite the advice of professional officers, the Council refused the application at planning committee due to the effect of the proposal on the character and appearance of the area.

BPA successfully argued that as the external appearance of the building would remain exactly the same as an extant planning permission, the reason for refusal could not be substantiated. The Inspector agreed and found the building to be of a high-quality design respecting the character and appearance of the locality. Accordingly, the Inspector found no conflict with the adopted Local Plan or Cotswold Design Code.

In addition to allowing the appeal, the Inspector held that the Council provided little evidence as to why it felt the development was considered to be of an inappropriate design. Consequently, the refusal of planning permission constituted unreasonable behaviour and the Council were ordered to pay the applicant’s full costs in the appeal proceedings.

If you have any queries on this decision or would like to discuss a similar proposal, please contact the Office on 01242 898368 or