St Winifred’s, Willersey

Location: St Winifred’s, Willersey, Cotswolds

Case Type: Full planning application for the construction of 2no. dwellinghouses

Council: Cotswold District Council

Status: Approved and built out

BPA are pleased to have firstly, secured permission for the construction of two new detached dwellings with double garages and secondly, to have produced the construction drawings in the build out of this very attractive vernacular scheme. The site is located in a conservation area and in the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Nature Beauty (CAONB) wherein conserving and enhancing the character and appearance of the area and protecting its natural beauty is paramount in development proposals. At application stage, although the design spoke for its self and we received no adverse comments from the conservation office and no revisions or amends were necessary we did have other tricky planning issues to adequately address relating to access, ecology, trees and drainage. Strategies were produced for all four of these material planning matters which resulted in a timely permission being issued by the LPA (Cotswold District Council). Our strategic planning approach stood us in good stead on this and many other of our planning applications as well as extensive experience in negotiating planning permissions. Now built and sold we are immensely proud of our work and the professional relationship we take care to maintain with our clients. Please do give us a call to see how we can assist you.


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