West Oxfordshire District Council’s Call for Sites

Get Involved in Shaping West Oxfordshire's Future: West Oxfordshire District Council's Call for Sites

At Brodie Planning Associates, we believe that active participation in local planning is essential for creating vibrant and sustainable communities. That’s why we’re excited to inform you about an important opportunity to have your say in shaping the future of West Oxfordshire.

West Oxfordshire District Council is running a Call for Sites, Ideas, and Opportunities as part of an 8-week focused consultation from August 30 to October 25, 2023.

This consultation is designed to gather valuable insights and ideas from the community to help shape the future of West Oxfordshire. The consultation focuses on three key elements:

1. Draft Local Plan Objectives: The Council has put forward a series of draft objectives that will guide the development of the local plan. These objectives lay the foundation for the plan’s approach and anticipated policy content.

2. The Future Pattern of Development: The Council is exploring various scenarios for the future pattern of development in West Oxfordshire up to 2041. This includes considering how and where future growth should be directed.

3. Call for Sites, Ideas, and Opportunities: An opportunity for stakeholders to put forward their thoughts on how land in the district might be used in the future such as new housing, employment, infrastructure, community use, green space, nature recovery and renewable energy.

Do you have land to promote through the Local Plan process in West Oxfordshire?

If you need help promoting land or presenting your thoughts, please get in touch today.

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