Planning Services
We offer a full range of professional planning services, including:
Site feasibility and planning opinions
Initial assessment used to inform of the development potential of any particular site. This written document would normally include a review of the sites planning history, any site-specific constraints, relevant development plan policies and any other material considerations. A professional opinion on the likelihood for development opportunities are set out, which includes a planning strategy and any subsequent application requirements.
Pre-application advice
Preparation and submission of a pre-application enquiry to the local authority which can include accompanying information (e.g supportive statement and preliminary plans).
Planning applications
From minor to major applications, we undertake all types of planning applications, such as: householder, prior notifications, listed building and conservation area consent, lawful development certificates (existing or proposed use), compliance with conditions, full and outline, permission in principle and technical details consent, advertisement consent, change of use, non-materials amendments, Section 73 (removal / variation of conditions).
Planning appeals
We can review any reason for refusal to advise on your chances at appeal, whether that be via written representations, informal hearings, or public inquiries. We can also appear as an expert witness in appeal proceedings.
Site promotion
Typically following a feasibility appraisal and planning opinion, we can promote your site through the development plan process towards allocation. During the process, should the opportunity arise for a speculative application to be submitted, such as a shortfall in the 5-year housing land supply, we will advise and can prepare and submit any such application on your behalf.
Rural planning experts
We specialise in all forms of rural planning including: Class Q and barn conversions, rural workers dwellings, holiday accommodation and tourism, agricultural, equestrian and forestry development, horticulture (polytunnels), biomass and renewable energy, estate management and rural businesses.
Neighbourhood development plans
We can assist communities to shape future development in their towns and villages, by helping them to navigate through the various stages of the neighbourhood development plan process.
Specialist planning reports
Depending on the nature of your planning application, specialist reports may be required to accompany the application to meet necessary validation requirements and give your application the best chance of success. For example, Planning Statements, Design and Access Statements, Heritage Statements, Statement of Community Involvement, Sequential and Retail Tests, Agricultural Justification Statements, Rural Business Appraisals, Diversification Statements, Landscape Assessments, and Water Management Statements.
Section 106 and unilateral undertakings
We can advise and negotiate on legal agreements which may be required to accompany the grant of a more complex planning permission.
Community engagement
Some types of planning proposals require community engagement. This is usually undertaken pre-submission and summarised in the formal application documents. Each consultation is unique and bespoke to the type of application and the individual communities themselves.
The planning process involves various opportunities for representations to be made which we can prepare on your behalf.
Get in touch
Send us a message and we will contact you to discuss your project
Alternatively you can call us onĀ 01242 898 368 or emailĀ